This is part 6 of 6 in my blog series on the 6 basic principles of a healthy lifestyle - the following articles are also included in the series: Introduction (1/6), Diet and Hydration (2/6), Sleep (3/6), Positive thinking (4/6) and Movement and Breathing Techniques (5/6).
The 6 basic principles work very well when building your health from within. To find the balance between yin and yang, you need to work as much on the basic yin principles: diet, hydration and sleep as on the basic yang principles: breathing techniques, positive thinking and movement. Of course, this is easier to do in theory than in practice. As I wrote earlier, it's easiest to start by making sustainable changes where you feel your resistance is easiest to overcome and then keep working from there. And again, don't make too many changes at once, let it take time!
Apart from following the 6 basic principles for a healthy lifestyle, there are of course other factors that influence your well-being. I'm thinking mainly of your environment: family and friends, work, finances and so on. However, my feeling is that it is easier to deal with problems or circumstances in the environment that affect you negatively, if you start by building your health from within using the 6 basic principles.
I hope you have gained new knowledge, inspiration and motivation, as well as some new ideas on how to build your health from within. With a good foundation to stand on, you can achieve anything. You can build your own castle if you only want to. But remember that all change takes energy at first, before you get energy, so start slowly and have fun along the way! As much as you are affected by your surroundings, you affect your surroundings. Remember the boomerang! Good luck!