The 50 day challenge / Functional Medicine:

Dreams and visions

Saturday morning I woke up in the middle of a dream. I was on a peninsula surrounded by warm coral blue water. There I was snorkeling and the most beautiful fish I had ever seen were swimming around me. It was so peaceful, beautiful and warm. A real paradise.

But I was only there in my dream, slowly waking up to another reality.

It's interesting about dreams, how much of them we remember or, conversely, how much we don't remember. Because of course we dream, we all do, every night. But it's rare that we remember our dreams in the way I did on Saturday. That dream affected me all day and still affects me. I bring up the feeling I had in the dream, when it's raining too much outside or when I'm feeling scattered. And it works. I immediately feel better. Just wondering how dreams that we don't remember affect us? Could they be a reason why some days are tougher or better than others?

Thought of the day:

How do you influence your dreams and how do they influence you?

This article is part of The 50 day challenge, where I challenge myself to write an article a day for 50 days! The articles can be about anything, short or long, but I can't miss a single day!

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