
9 principles to find the time to accomplish just about anything!

I've written about it before and I can never get enough of thinking about and experimenting with how to make the time last...

A while ago I read a very interesting article written by William Hertling. According to Hertling, in order to accomplish almost anything with the time available, a combination of having a goal, making an effort to achieve that goal and getting maximum benefit from the effort made. There are many useful principles for achieving this, and Hertling shares the following in his article (translated, slightly interpreted and abridged version):

1. Blame yourself if you don't do what you should! Don't blame someone else!

2. Focus and prioritize.

3. Make sure that what you do will serve at least 3 other functions (e.g. if you plant an apple tree, it will give you fruit, it will shade some other plant and it will make your garden a bit more beautiful).

4. Ask yourself if the things you do is adding energy to your life, taking energy away or giving you a plus minus zero situation.

5. Delegate.

6. Don't wait for the perfect moment.

7. Collaborate and discuss with like-minded people.

8. Become effective with the freedom to manage your time.

9. Don't do more than you have to!

If you want to read the full article, it is available here.

Previous articles I have written about time can be found here:

What do you do with your 24 hours?

Time is high up on my wish list!

Thank you for taking the time to read my article!

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