And then it finally came, the snow! You should have seen the children's enthusiasm this morning! And for our kids, it was certainly long-awaited. In California, it's always blue skies, sunny and warm. The kids have seen snow and skied, but not in everyday life. And it showed when we got dressed this morning. We're not used to it!
All garment one can think of, even the snow pants (aka ski pants) were put on. I must admit that I was happy too, when it finally got a bit lighter outside. I just hope the snow stays for a few days now! I don't wish slush and darkness to return (ever). I am having a hard time dealing with and accepting such dreary autumn weather in this country. But now it feels like winter has arrived! My only problem with it is that I can't walk in my sandals anymore. Time to get winter shoes in other words!

Thought of the day:
It's nice when someone else's enthusiasm is contagious! It makes us all utterly happy, both in body and mind!
This article is part of The 50 day challenge, where I challenge myself to write an article a day for 50 days! The articles can be about anything, short or long, but I can't miss a single day!