First day without coffee and it has gone very well! I miss the social aspect of drinking coffee and the taste of course. There is nothing better than a really good espresso or coffee latte, I think. So my goal is to introduce this drink as soon as my 30 day project is over (if my body allows...).
Pumpkin soup with bacon
This was a miserable experience. So bad that I choose not to even publish the recipe. And as I toiled in the kitchen yesterday, just to be able to heat up this soup for breakfast today. On paper it could have been good, but reality proved otherwise. That's what happens when Johanna tries to follow a recipe. There's a reason I don't usually use recipes. And now when I try new ones, I choose them carefully and spice them up a bit extra to make them good, but it still turned out wrong - well, that's how it can go.
A big apple and a handful of trailmix - yum!
Leftovers since yesterday, Vegetable soup and Citrus Salmon with Guacamole (I ran out of cauliflower yesterday). As good as yesterday, and very filling!
I took the opportunity to start the slow cooker after lunch, so that dinner will also be easy today. I like that. Food that cooks itself! And tastes great too:-)
Classic meat stew
1 kg stewing steak
5 carrots
6 celery stalks
1 small onion
5 cloves of garlic
3 bay leaves
10 peppercorns
Avocado oil
Salt and pepper
Fresh herbs

Brown the meat and vegetables, put in the slow cooker for 4 hours on high heat.

Remove the bay leaves, peppercorns and celery stalks, these have done their job now. Pick up the pieces of meat and half of the vegetables, place in a saucepan. Pour the rest into the blender and blend into a smooth soup. Then pour the blender contents into the pot with the meat and vegetables. Bring to the boil and season with salt, pepper and fresh herbs. Done! Enjoy!

The children and husband had mashed potatoes with dinner, I had the stew with baby spinach. It tasted like classic meat stew, the kids and husband enjoyed the food and gave it a 4 (out of 5).
Now I'll prepare breakfast for tomorrow. What it will be, you will see in the next post:-) I can already reveal that it will not be turkey sausage or pumpkin soup with bacon...