Functional Medicine:

Happy New Year 2017, How to Choose Your Next Job, Supporting Mamas and Babies

Welcome to Newsletter #2!

I hope you are enjoying the Holiday Season! The New Year is all about new beginnings and new expectations in each and every individual's life. It is one of the best days wherein you can show your love, affection, and care towards yourself, your friends and family members.

I am not a believer in New Year's resolutions, because far too often they end up putting too much stress on the individual and after a few weeks it becomes too hard to stick with the New Year's resolutions and you just give up on them! That's never good! New Year is a great time though, to sum up the past year and see if you are heading towards your goals and mission. It's time to check in and see if your goals are still up-to-date or if it is about time to correct course and head towards something else more valid for you, to set new goals. You could still call it New Year's resolutions if that's what applies to you.

Anyway, I wish you all a Happy New Year filled with love and laughter! The New Year gives you another fresh 365 days to play with - fill them up with whatever your heart desires so that you have no regrets at the end of the annual cycle.

December's Full Moon was busy, and full of New Energy!

Whatever has been buried beneath the surface of your life has most likely come to a head in the last few months. December's Full Moon had an extremely powerful energy which was going to be helping you to purge all of what you needed to let go of, so you can welcome in the new energy of 2017 with open arms and a fresh perspective.

2016 has been a heavy year of endings and letting go, whereas 2017 is a year that is set to be full of new beginnings and fresh starts. There is still time to release and let go of the things you no longer desire to bring with you into the new year. Looking forward to 2017 and what it will bring!

New Year's Resolution (If People Were Honest)

5 years ago, I started my Holistic Lifestyle Coach education for the CHEK Institute in San Diego, California. I was lucky to get one of the best teachers ever (and I have had a bunch of teachers throughout the years), JP Sears. He is incredibly funny and ironic, but at the same time full of knowledge and wisdom. Just to give you a glimpse of what I mean, without further ado: This is "New Year's Resolution (If People Were Honest)" with JP Sears.

How to choose your next job: What you should be looking for in your next gig to be happy and motivated

It is easy to get stuck with a job! Unfortunately too many people wake up every morning feeling they rather stay in bed than go to work. This is not the way it should be! This is an article I came across and it is great!

The importance of supporting mamas and babies during the 4th Trimester!

All the time when I, as a Postpartum Doula, coach my clients through silly cooing and hours of holding and comforting soothing and effort, it really pays off!

A study from University of California San Francisco (UCSF) is backing up the notion of the important 4th Trimester, it is super important to stay close and interact with small babies from day 1, give them tons of love and make sure the mama is bonding with the baby! Neurons are migrating to the cerebral cortex right after birth, and particularly at the time when babies start interacting. This migration of neurons lasts up to 3 months after birth and is super crucial for brain development.

I am a Holistic Health Coach, a Yoga Teacher and a Doula working mainly to help women grow their potential through lifestyle changes and modifications. My focus is to teach and coach you how to build a strong foundation, so that you will have the energy to live life fully. I do offer Lifestyle Coaching, Women´s Retreats and Pregnancy/Post Pregnancy Support for Women.

To make this introduction short: I just love what I am doing!

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